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Welcome to St Matthew’s, Bristol. Located in Kingsdown, we are a community of all ages, who gather together to worship God and encourage one another in our faith in Jesus Christ. All are welcome and invited to join with us on our journey of faith.

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the 10:30 | In person & livestreamed

A structured service with a blend of traditional and modern music, youth and children's work (age 4-16).
We celebrate communion together twice a month.

© Photograph of church at sunset by Alan Russell

Midweek Thought

Each week we share a thought of the week contemplating life and faith

St Matthew's News

Every week, we send out a community email to our mailing list, sharing everything that’s coming up in the life of St Matthew’s, Bristol and how to get involved. If you’d like all our news delivered to your inbox in one neat package contact us and we will add you to the list.